Top 10 Funniest Bluey Moments on Bluey

#10: Bluey’s New Husband
While on a shopping trip in Hammerbarn, Bluey and Bingo pretend that two garden gnomes are their new husbands. Bluey trades in her old ‘spouse’ for one with a shovel, and the look she gives the new hubby is too amusing not to snicker at. However, things spiral into chaos when the sisters start bickering over who has the better stuff, which ultimately results in tragedy for Bingo’s ‘husband’. Chilli’s reaction is even funnier. But it just goes to show – if this could happen to Bluey with a fake husband, what would happen with a REAL one?
#9: Floor Cereal
To keep her family from leaving the house, little Bingo uses her magic “featherwand” to make everything extremely heavy. To say it wreaks havoc would be an understatement. Bluey, however, has the best time ever. She’s forced to brush her teeth on the floor, and she just shrugs and does so without fuss. Later, she’s forced to eat floor cereal — and does so excitedly, declaring: [this is the “best morning ever”]. Even when Bingo is on a rampage, Bluey knows how to make the best of an absurd situation, leaving us snickering along the way. Plus, seeing the Heelers act like real dogs is always a riot.
#8: Leaving Bandit Hanging
One morning, Bluey decides it’d be fun to mimic Bandit and everything he does. Bandit, being ever the teaser, decides to embarrass himself so Bluey will look silly as well. His scheme works... until the two run into Wendy. Then, the dad puts on a humiliating display. But his daughter doesn’t try to copy him. Instead, she just shrugs, making him look, well, not great. It takes a talented pooch to counter one of Bandit’s tricks, but Bluey effortlessly succeeds by just doing nothing. As a bonus, we’re left in stitches watching the shenanigans unfold.
#7: The Difficult Passenger
Public transportation is stressful enough, but there’s always that ONE passenger that turns it into even more of a nightmare. During the Heelers’ playtime, Bluey gets a chance to be that passenger, and fulfills the role hilariously. Bandit is doing his best as a train driver, but the young Blue Heeler keeps making things difficult. She tricks him with a disgusting fake ticket, her cat attacks him, and she makes Bingo late for work and dropoff. She even uses a disguise to sneak back on the train just to mess with Bandit further. As much as we respect public transport employees, watching Bluey casually cause mayhem is too amusing.
#6: Bluey’s Foolproof Plan
“The Dump”
While on their way to the dump, Bluey tries to persuade Bandit to let her and Bingo drive the car. The conversation gets lengthier than expected, with Bluey laying out an elaborate plan to avoid the police. Bandit keeps pointing out the holes in her logic, but she’s one step ahead of him. Spoiler alert, the plan involves kidnapping the Queen’s butlers to distract the police. How such a simple request evolved into this intricate scheme still boggles our minds, but we can’t pretend Bluey doesn’t have all the answers. Let's just hope she doesn’t decide to become an actual criminal mastermind.
#5: Bluey Vs. the Tap
Bandit’s takeaway order is taking forever to prepare, so the kids are forced to entertain themselves. Bluey keeps Bingo entertained by playing restaurant and pretending to be a walrus, but what she really wants is to goof off under the tap. She gets her wish… but she accidentally turns it on at full blast. Bandit is busy taking care of Bingo, so all Bluey can do is helplessly watch the water gush out and panic. Fortunately, dad saves the day before the water can reach the clouds. It surely teaches Bluey a lesson about messing with the tap, but we still get a giggle out of her exaggerated reaction.
#4: The Horror
“Smoochy Kiss”
Here, the Heeler girls have decided their dad is theirs, and theirs alone. This means no smoochy kiss for Chilli, no matter how hard she tries to get close to him. But throughout the day, they start to see that their dad is kind of a grub. Bluey learns this the hardest way of all when he casually mentions that he peed on his foot. Her shock and horror leave us in stitches, and it only gets worse when Bandit cleans it in the laundry sink and uses her shirt as a towel. The father Blue Heeler may be gross, but it’s part of why we love him so much — especially when it draws such a hysterically over-dramatic response from Bluey.
#3: The Perfect Reaction
Bluey is trying to make a Father’s Day card for Bandit, but she’s worried it won’t be perfect enough. Why is she so determined to make it perfect? Because Chilli covered up one of her drawings on the fridge with one Bingo made. We should feel bad for Bluey, but her reaction is priceless. Her jaw dramatically hangs open, and she drops her cereal box without saying a word. In the same episode, she gets another laugh out of us by ratting out Bandit for trying to hide mistakes from Chilli, earning him an icy cold mom stare. The only things more perfect than Bluey’s card are her and Chilli’s hilarious reactions.
#2: The Grannies
Of all of Bluey and Bingo’s recurring bits, few are as chaotic as Grannies. During this game, the girls dress up as sweet old ladies, Janet and Rita. However, these old bats turn things upside down whenever they come to town. While Grannies is a team effort by both kids, Bluey as Janet has had more than her fair share of rib-tickling misadventures. She’s the one who tends to take charge, and her eyesight and memory aren’t always the best. Still, she usually means well, though her good intentions often equal disaster for Chilli and Bandit. Whenever Bluey announces the grandmothers’ arrival, we know our sides will hurt from laughing all night long.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Every Time Bluey Sings, Various
She Can Carry a Tune Hilariously
Yoga Ball on the Toilet, “Yoga Ball”
One of the Funniest Endings to a Pretty Emotional Episode
Marjorie, “Daddy Dropoff”
How Bandit Keeps Getting the Wrong Number Is Anyone’s Guess, but Bluey Makes It a Hoot to Watch
Time for Walkies, “Mums and Dads”
Never Ask Bluey to Play Mums & Dads... She’ll Get Carried Away
“Waltz of the Flowers,” “Ice Cream”
The Music Really Sells This Humorous Dance Between Sisters
#1: Bluey as Bandit
“The Show”
For Mother’s Day, the girls put on a show for their parents, reenacting their love story. Bingo plays Chilli, while Bluey acts as Bandit. Dad is excited to see his awesomeness captured on stage — at first. But what he gets instead is Bluey doing the most hilariously outrageous impression ever. Her portrayal is unflattering, humiliating... and surprisingly accurate. Bandit is not amused, but he gets revenge in the end with his OWN outrageous impression of baby Bluey. There is plenty of love in the Heeler family, but there’s also room for teasing. Bandit may be the king of this, but nobody can compete with the creative, overly dramatic charm of his oldest daughter.
What do you think was the titular Heeler’s funniest feat? Let us know in the comments.