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Top 10 Times Bluey Was Censored

Top 10 Times Bluey Was Censored
VOICE OVER: Rebecca Brayton WRITTEN BY: Isabelle Brown
These "Bluey" moments left the censors barking. For this list, we'll be looking at the most noteworthy moments from the Australian family show that have, at one point or another, been altered for some or all audiences. Our countdown includes regional swear words, vasectomy talk, fluffies, and more!

#10: Regional Swear Words
“Sticky Gecko”

In the original version of the episode that shows Chilli trying to remove a sticky toy from the ceiling, she apparently uses an expression that has a different connotation abroad. She says it under her breath, so it’s hard to make out, but many believe that Chilli drops a variation of a four letter word. Interestingly, “damnit” reportedly isn’t thought of as a major bad word down under. Although this line is no big deal in Australia, it’s allegedly altered for international airings so that Chilli says something universally kid-appropriate. We don’t typically expect to hear a swear word in a television series made for children, which makes this especially weird.

#9: Toilet Time

Disney regularly airs “Bluey” and has it available to stream on Disney+, but the episodes shown by the American company are often altered. Potty humor is one thing that usually doesn’t fly, as evidenced by this moment. During a video call, Muffin’s dad Stripe starts chasing her around the house. At one point, the young pup runs through a bathroom that is already in use. In the original version, Muffin’s mom Trixie is shown on the toilet when she’s interrupted by her daughter. Disney’s edit grants her some privacy by having the sight of her obstructed by Muffin’s head. Although this moment is relatable for parents, it clearly needed tweaking to meet Disney’s standards.

#8: Not a Slug

Obscene language and imagery can sometimes be funny, but depending on who you ask, it’s not always deemed appropriate for children. And it appears that for Disney, this interaction between Bluey and Bandit crosses the line. While playing “trains,” Bluey teases her father by asking him to engage with an imaginary item. Bandit complies, only to be informed by his daughter that it’s not the ticket he thinks it is. In the uncensored version, Bluey reveals that it’s a bit of feces, but the Disney edit shows her calling it a slug. Apparently, the company considers terrestrial gastropod molluscs to be more child appropriate than excrement. Either way, Bandit’s disgusted reaction is fair.

#7: Burping vs Sneezing

After receiving a complaint, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation reportedly changed a few moments from this episode in which Bandit’s involuntary sounds play an important role. Originally, his reaction to eating sauerkraut is to sneeze. However, in an effort to not downplay the seriousness of food allergies, the story was altered after its premiere. Now, the fermented dish simply makes him burp — no allergy involved. Narratively, it makes little difference whether he sneezes or belches, since both bodily functions are difficult to suppress. Releasing gas may not be good manners, but at least it’s not as serious as an allergic reaction.

#6: Pregnancy Question
“Daddy Putdown”

Kids commonly ask about mature topics. It’s natural, but answering them in an appropriate capacity can be tricky, especially if they catch you off guard. When Bingo makes an inquiry about pregnancy, Bandit avoids responding to her by sending his daughter spinning on a swing. It’s actually a pretty humorous moment, especially for adults, but Disney’s audiences don’t get to see it. Indeed, it appears the platform deemed the topic of conception too inappropriate for children, as the moment was cut out altogether. Perhaps Disney didn’t want to encourage younger viewers to ask their own parents the same sort of question?

#5: Buttermilk's Excrement

While trying to figure out what to do with her gift from the tooth fairy, Bluey and her schoolmate Indy make a new, four legged friend named Buttermilk. Although they don’t get the chance to ride her, the colorful pony makes an impression on the girls and us viewers. The juxtaposition of the pretty creature passing a bowel movement is hilarious, not to mention realistic. Potty humor isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, though, and this moment ends up getting removed from Disney’s version of the episode. Disney also edits out the pile of dung visible behind Buttermilk when she makes her reappearance in “Pass the Parcel.” Everybody poops except ponies, apparently.

#4: Vasectomy Talk

Although “Bluey” is primarily aimed at preschool aged kids, the show includes jokes and situations that resonate with adults. These moments are often on Disney’s chopping block since they can be considered too mature for younger viewers. Take Bandit’s conversation with Fido in the episode, “Perfect.” Originally, the Blue Heeler says something which implies he’s considering getting a vasectomy. The Disney-fied version of this conversation shows Bandit talking about his teeth instead. The altered lines avoid mentioning birth control and lean into the fact that Bandit is an anthropomorphized dog. While the censored moment still works in the context of the show, it's probably less relatable for parents.

#3: Offensive Language

Typically, when the Australian family show undergoes censorship, it’s because the content is deemed inappropriate for younger viewers. The unedited version of this moment, however, is problematic no matter how old you are. It shows Bluey and Bingo using a phrase with racist implications concerning Indigenous Australians, as well as African people. Although the girls don’t say it in a derogatory way, such language shouldn’t be normalized. The phrase was replaced after a viewer sent a complaint to the ABC, and the episode is no longer available on Disney+. It was also edited out of season two’s “Flat Pack,” and the altered version is available to watch on Disney’s streaming platform.

#2: Fluffies
“Family Meeting”

A stir was caused when the first half of “Bluey” season three was made available to stream on Disney+, with one notable episode missing. Titled “Family Meeting”, the one in question shows the Heeler family imitating a trial. Bluey accuses Bandit of passing gas in her face, and the two make their respective cases in the kitchen courtroom. It seems that the extensive talk of tooting was too much for Disney, leading them to initially hold the episode from rolling out on their platform. Fans weren’t happy, but the company eventually made the episode available for their subscribers.

#1: Pregnant Bandit
“Dad Baby”

Disney has stayed far away from this episode, in which Bandit hilariously pretends to be pregnant and give birth to Bingo. Indeed, as of 2023, it has never been aired on one of the company’s channels, and is not available on Disney+. This decision has sparked controversy, with many fans deeming the choice to censor mimicked male childbirth problematic. Disney, meanwhile, has yet to make a statement explaining why the episode has been unofficially banned, so we can’t be sure what the reason is. All we can do is wait and see if it’ll ever be aired or made available to stream.
