Top 10 Most Romantic Moments on Suits

Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the most passionate and poignant love story highlights on USA Network’s classic legal drama.
#10: Amazing Minds Think Alike
“Shelf Life”
There was a certain tension between Mike Ross and Rachel Zane from the moment they met. Despite initially dating Jenny Griffith, Mike grows close with his colleague over an investigation into a corrupt client. His perfect recollection of a document and Rachel’s expert dictation inspire praise during an all-nighter. This leads to flirting, then the moment we had all been waiting for. The friends’ first kiss does not disappoint! It’s a steamy moment of impulse that complicates Mike and Rachel’s relationship, while teeing up his eventual breakup with Jenny. Though the circumstances aren’t ideal, “Suits’s” own Ross and Rachel saga has laid its foundation on passion and mutual respect.
#9: Louis Wants Sheila to Have It All
“Managing Partner”
Louis and Sheila were in a bittersweet place after “Sour Grapes.” The joy of their engagement was spoiled by the realization that her pregnancy test was a false positive. Tensions are further raised when Sheila accepts a deanship at Columbia amid fertility treatment. Katrina eventually convinces Louis to visit his fiancée’s office to show respect for her decision. When Sheila reveals that she’s pregnant for real, and nervous about juggling motherhood and her career, Louis vows to always support her. Their relationship has always been a reliable source of humor and melodrama to develop Louis’s personal life. But with this tender moment, there’s a real sense of settling down that grants the couple the strength to fulfill their dreams.
#8: Donna Just Had to Know
How could Donna and Harvey not see what’s always been obvious to “Suits” fans? Perhaps the incomparable legal secretary is too preoccupied with helping others, like when Louis was lamenting his affair with Sheila when she was engaged to someone else. His talk of soul mates gets Donna to consider her true feelings and take rash action. When next she sees Harvey, she gives him a shocking kiss, then says, [“I just had to know.”] More than steamy, this moment finally lifts the denial over Donna and Harvey’s relationship. It really just begins the long, heartbreaking process of examining their professional and platonic dynamic. Nonetheless, that kiss is an iconic breakthrough in the story of “Darvey.”
#7: Mike Proposes
“Not Just a Pretty Face”
The passing of Louis’s secretary Norma puts everyone at the firm in an existential mood. With all that he's been through with Rachel, Mike decides to quit waiting around. Before he and his girlfriend properly celebrate another victory, Mike muses about what Rachel means to him. He then gets down on one knee and pops the big question with his grandmother's ring. Rachel’s enthusiastic “Yes” had been a long time coming. As predictable as this proposal was, it is so beautifully phrased that it's hard to not tear up with the couple. Whatever tough times will precede the wedding, this perfect moment finally instills full confidence in their resilience.
#6: Donna Knows
Harvey saves Donna from fraud charges by paying off a witness. As they celebrate at her apartment, the wine loosens their snarky guard. They apologize for any mistrust, with Harvey vulnerably asserting that he will always be there for Donna. When she nervously asks why as Harvey leaves, he casually responds, [“You know I love you, Donna.”] This immediately became one of the most talked-about lines “Suits” ever had. Harvey may think he meant “love” platonically, but fans know better. So does Donna, who later agrees to become Louis’s legal secretary to break this tension. It's a step back from Darvey’s big leap forward, but that fateful night marked an important, iconic shift in this “friendship.”
#5: Mike and Rachel Reunite
Mike is temporarily sprung from prison to negotiate a deal for information on his cellmate Kevin Miller. But first, of course, he spends some time in bed with Rachel. The couple can't have one moment of tender silence without expressing how beautiful they find each other. Mike is guilty about not saying much about the circumstances of his release, but Rachel is just glad to have this time with him. It's a heart-wrenching moment of true honesty after the two built their relationship on Mike's lies about being a licensed attorney. It also convinces him that Federal Prosecutor Sean Cahill’s offer for an early release is worth the risks. Mike clearly recognizes Rachel as his salvation.
#4: Some Enchanted Evening
The solemn end of the firm’s Pearson era coincides with special moments for the partners. Louis accepts that his girlfriend Tara Messer is carrying her ex’s child, and proposes marriage. If only for a moment, it seems that Louis will finally become a husband and dad. Meanwhile, Jessica visits Jeff to reconcile and announce her decision to join him in Chicago. Harvey and Donna seem to be the only ones without anyone. But there’s obvious foreshadowing in cutting from those romantic gestures to two friends sharing that drink called loneliness. This juxtaposition and a gaze out at the majestic New York skyline mark unique poetry for “Suits.” As slick as the legal thriller is, few scenes so succinctly reflect the heart in its characterization.
#3: Harvey Finally Figures It Out
The triumph in thwarting Daniel Hardman yet again is short-lived for Harvey. With everyone else at the firm having someone to go home to, he opens up to Samantha about his feelings for Donna. Sam’s own reflection on the one that got away finally convinces Harvey of the person he really wants to share his victories with. He immediately goes to Donna’s apartment, and the two make love on the spot. Eight seasons of teasing the audience fittingly and unforgettably comes down to the show's most passionate moment. For them to have such keen eyes for detail, it took Harvey and Donna long enough to realize they're more than friends.
#2: Two Weddings and a Baby
“One Last Con”
One last mishap just makes Louis and Sheila’s big day more perfect. Therapist Dr. Lipschitz is in the middle of officiating their wedding when Sheila’s water unexpectedly breaks. They quickly complete the long-overdue ceremony, then rush off to the hospital. In the meantime, at the reception, Harvey and Donna decide that they’re done dragging things out. With their friends already in attendance, they persuade Lipschitz to marry them, too. They then meet up with their fellow newlyweds to celebrate the birth of Lucy Litt. “Suits” pretty much pulls out all the clichés for its series finale. But in fully recognizing that the most important case was always the characters, these closing remarks are sure to win the jury.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Rachel Gets Jealous, “Conflict of Interest”
Rachel’s Insecurity About Katrina Compels Her & Mike to Exchange the “L” for the First Time
Honesty Is Good, “Buried Secrets”
Some Awkward Admissions Strengthen Harvey & Scottie’s Bond Through Nostalgia
Jessica Decides Her Relationship with Jeff, “One-Two-Three Go…”
One Last Night with the New Guy Before Their Relationship Becomes “Publicly” Professional
Any Wedding Rachel Wants, “Uninvited Guests”
When Rachel Gets Cold Feet Under Mike’s Legal Pressures, He Reassures Her
Worth the Wait, “Everything’s Changed”
An Unusually Vulnerable Harvey Knows He Waited Too Long to Stay in Bed with Donna
#1: Mike and Rachel's Wedding
Meghan Markle had to have been TV’s favorite bride in 2018. Due to the actress’s impending marriage into the British Royal Family, as well as Patrick J. Adams’s own personal priorities, Rachel and Mike’s love story reached a speedy conclusion with Season 7. But they couldn’t move to Seattle for Mike’s new job without first giving audiences their dream wedding. Mike and Rachel’s loved ones narrowly make the moved-up date to witness them put into perspective the strength that they give each other. It’s an enchantingly ideal send-off for the couple after everything they’ve been through. The serene ceremony raised the bar for a real-life royal wedding, never mind the underappreciated soft side of “Suits.”
Which “Suits” moments got your pulse racing, one way or another? Give your statement in the comments.