Top 10 Times Ryan Reynolds ROASTED Hugh Jackman

#10: Deadpool Comments On Wolverine’s New Costume
Despite 17 years in the “X-Men” film series, Wolverine never wore a comic-accurate costume. This changed in “Deadpool & Wolverine,” where we see him in his trademark X-Men uniform. Fans will remember the customary shirtless Wolverine scene in previous movies, and this doesn’t go past Deadpool either. The Merc with a Mouth claims Hugh Jackman’s real-life divorce played a part in Wolverine’s new wardrobe choice, causing him to “let himself go.” It’s a particularly savage remark given that it goes beyond the confines of the cinema screen. It’s all in good fun, though, as Ryan Reynolds and director Shawn Levy asked Jackman’s permission before adding the line to the movie.
#9: Ryan’s Birthday Greeting for Hugh
There’s no place on earth where Jackman can escape Reynolds. During a performance at his stage show, “The Man. The Music. The Show.”, Jackman can’t help but claim his superiority over Reynolds. Little did he know, Reynolds himself would interrupt the show for a birthday greeting. It’s an uncharacteristically wholesome moment, with Ryan serenading Hugh while the rest of the crew brings his birthday cake. Of course, the illusion is shattered soon enough, as Reynolds promptly curses Jackman before dipping out. It’s a masterful bait-and-switch moment, fooling everyone that Reynolds might take the high road in this feud for once. To Jackman’s credit, he has an equally hilarious retort in store.
#8: Ryan Mocks Hugh's Handsomeness
With how well Jackman’s aged, you might think he really does have Wolverine’s eternal youth. We know it’s no easy feat to be named among People Magazine’s 50 Most Beautiful People on Earth multiple times. Deadpool certainly thinks Hugh’s handsome. Why else would he staple Hugh’s picture on his face? XREF. Reynolds shares his character’s admiration, although his contempt for Jackman seeps through. While reading out the latter’s achievements, Reynolds deliberately switches the dates – to before Jackman was even born. His straight-faced delivery while Hugh cracks up makes it funnier. Then again, Hugh never actually denies it, so maybe Ryan’s telling the truth the whole time.
#7: Ryan Callously Interrupts Hugh's Emotional Story
Losing a parent is always heartbreaking. Just don’t ever share your story when Ryan Reynolds is present. Hugh Jackman learns this the hard way during their two-way interview on “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” Changing course midway through, Reynolds asks Jackman about being present for his father’s last moments. As Hugh gets to the emotional part, Ryan conveniently receives a call from his wife, Blake Lively. Even for Reynolds’ standards, this is absolutely harsh, as a stunned Hugh stares at him while Ryan ignores his story. Jackman usually has a comeback ready against Reynolds’ pranks. But looking at him at a loss for words leaves no doubt that Reynolds won this round.
#6: Ryan Crashes the “X-Men” Reunion
The many times Reynolds has annoyed Jackman makes us think it’s all just a thinly veiled disguise to gain his approval. Crashing an “X-Men” reunion lends credence to this theory, as Ryan shows up uninvited with a couple of well-known guests. Despite being reminded he was in “X-Men Origins” and not the first “X-Men,” he doesn’t take the hint. No one really has the patience to deal with him and it isn’t long before Hugh is stuck with the last person he wants to be with. If he didn’t think it could get worse, it does immediately after. Ryan invites Liev Schreiber for an “X-Men Origins” reunion, signing off this hilariously hijacked Zoom meeting.
#5: Ryan Reveals Hugh's ‘Failed Pilot’
Not wanting to seem desperate to get Jackman back as Wolverine, Reynolds tries to change the narrative. He claims Hugh didn’t have much going on before Ryan came calling. Supposedly, the only thing Jackman had in store was a failed TV pilot called “Hugh’s the Boss.” If you think that’s on the nose, Reynolds also shows an image that reminds us less of Wolverine and more of Tony Danza. After making Jackman think the humiliation is over, Reynolds cues in a clip of the former in the Australian drama “The Man from Snowy River.” You’ve got to credit Ryan’s commitment to the bit, as this well-planned roast serves up a masterclass in comedy.
#4: Ryan Roasts Hugh in His Monologue
Never give a comedian an opening because he will mock you for it. In this instance, Hugh’s remark about his “small torso” is the basis for Ryan to unleash a verbal beatdown. It all starts when Ryan has Hugh conveniently in a small chair, although he refuses to acknowledge this. Putting on the act of a sympathetic friend, he delivers cutting remarks with pitch-perfect sarcasm, highlighting Hugh’s supposed syndrome, “TTS.” If it wasn’t obvious before, it soon becomes clear that it’s just an excuse to laugh at Hugh’s expense. While the idea was for them to host together, Reynolds quickly turning on his co-star sets the tone for the rest of the show.
#3: Ryan Interviews Hugh
The Reynolds-Jackman feud gained its greatest traction during the first “Deadpool” movie’s release. The film clashed with Jackman’s “Eddie the Eagle,” so Ryan naturally had to assert his dominance over the former during an impromptu interview. His approach ranges from hidden jabs to obvious insults. True to form, he delivers the most bizarre questions with deadpan sincerity. It also wouldn’t be a Reynolds-Jackman interaction if Ryan didn’t blame Hugh for the controversial interpretation of Deadpool in “X-Men Origins.” Nothing is off the table, whether it’s questioning Hugh’s acting skills or Ryan accidentally discovering a secret affair between Jackman and his wife. Still not quite satisfied, Ryan then “Crocodile Dundee”’s Hugh, getting him to utter the famous quote from the Australian classic.
#2: Deadpool One-Ups Wolverine
The finale of “Logan” remains one of the most touching send-offs for a superhero. The way it poignantly brings the curtain down on his story received unanimous praise – except from Deadpool. The Merc with a Mouth opens his second movie by mocking Wolerine’s death. XREF Bitter at “Logan” for copying his film’s R-rating, the protagonist channels his grief of losing Vanessa by blaming Wolverine. The way he sees it, anything Wolverine can do, he can do better. Although his attempt to end things is no joke, Deadpool goes through with it mainly out of spite. His profanity-laden “last words” prove that Deadpool’s pettiness has no bounds, even if his rival is six feet under.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Ryan Doesn’t Sympathize with Hugh on “Hot Ones”
He Just Needs a Reason to Call Hugh a Diva
Ryan Gets Tired of Hugh's Football Story
You Know He’s Bored When He’d Rather Talk About Cheese
Ryan Calls Out Hugh’s Short Retirement
To Be Fair, He Does Have a Point
Deadpool Tells Wolverine That He’s Stuck With Marvel
New Wolverine Movie in 2058, Anyone?
Deadpool Blames Australia For “X-Men Origins: Wolverine”
An Entire Country Held Accountable For One Bad Movie
#1: Deadpool ‘Thanks’ Wolverine For His Solo Movie
Following many setbacks, the “Deadpool” movie started production after someone leaked old test footage. We still don’t know who it was – * cough * it was Ryan Reynolds * cough *. But within the Marvel Universe, Deadpool tells us otherwise. Who is it, you ask? Well, he gives us a big hint right at the start of the movie. While Wolverine isn’t mentioned by name, it’s hard to imagine anyone else whose name rhymes with “Polverine.” Even in character, Reynolds can’t resist messing with Hugh Jackman, faking an Australian accent for a not-so-subtle jab at Jackman’s *ahem* endowment “down under.” It’s all highly inappropriate, but it wouldn’t be Deadpool or Reynolds if he didn’t mention his favorite frenemy.
Which of these zingers was your favorite LOL moment? Let us know in the comments.