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Top 20 Funniest Patrick Star Moments

Top 20 Funniest Patrick Star Moments
VOICE OVER: Jennifer Silverman WRITTEN BY: Thomas Muzekari
For the last time, this is Patrick! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're counting down our picks for Patrick Star's funniest, silliest, and most entertaining quotes and actions in the SpongeBob SquarePants series. Our countdown includes I love you, we have technology, push it somwhere else, and more!

#20: My Name’s Not Rick!
“The Fry Cook Games”

Patrick is very happy with his name. And he wants no one mistaking him for someone else. That’s evident in “The Fry Cook Games” episode, when a ripped SpongeBob and Patrick compete against each other in a wrestling match. Pencil in hand, SpongeBob forcefully presses the eraser onto Patrick’s nametag, erasing the “Pat”. This infuriates his pal, who rises to his feet atop the krabby patty ring and yells out his defiance. Enraged, he hurls himself back at SpongeBob! Point taken. This moment lets everyone know Patrick is proudly Patrick. So don’t call him anything else.

#19: May I Take Your Hat, Sir?
“Squilliam Returns”

In the “Squilliam Returns” episode, Squidward wants to turn the Krusty Krab into a fancy five-star restaurant to impress a wealthy former classmate. Patrick eagerly commits himself to retraining. When Squidward asks Patrick if he has what it takes to work in an upscale restaurant, Patrick’s response is a gem … It’s not just the line itself that makes this moment hilarious, but Patrick’s tone and delivery - eyes wide, teeth showing, and eyelashes now visible. We’d eat at this fancy restaurant just for Patrick alone!

#18: It’s a Giraffe!

Not everyone knows their animals. That includes Patrick Star. When SpongeBob puts on an impressive bubble-blowing display, Patrick is highly entertained. First comes an aesthetically pleasing bubble boat. Then, Spongebob grasps his bubble wand with both hands. He proceeds to produce an elegant bubble elephant, which floats its way over to Squidward’s house. But, wait, that’s not an elephant. Well, not according to Patrick, who thinks it’s a giraffe. Enriching the moment is Patrick’s silly, prolonged laugh. He certainly doesn’t do himself any favors in thwarting the ‘starfish living under a rock’ stereotypes.

#17: Leedle Leedle Leedle Lee

After a giant anchor drops into SpongeBob’s pineapple house and then hits Squidward’s house, it’s time to figure out the source of the commotion. So, Squidward, followed by SpongeBob and Patrick, climbs up the rope, which leads to a green-glowing ship. On that ship is none other than the pirate ghost known as the Flying Dutchman. After he tosses Squidward into a terrifying void, the intimidated Patrick and SpongeBob agree to join his ship crew. The Flying Dutchman shows off his pirate call; SpongeBob attempts one himself; and finally Patrick chimes in with a rather unorthodox sound …” His facial expression makes it all the more comical.

#16: Who You Callin’ Pinhead?
“Survival of the Idiots”

While Sandy’s in hibernation, SpongeBob and Patrick find themselves outside roleplaying as Pinhead Larry and Dirty Dan. During this scene, SpongeBob, sporting a cowboy hat, tells Pinhead his time is up. Then the camera shifts to Patrick, who doesn’t quite look like the same ol’ Patrick. He noticeably has a nose, a couple of forehead wrinkles, smaller eyes, a pair of ears, and no eyebrows. Really immersed in this role play game, he delivers an unforgettable line in the process … The unusual facial expression, combined with the line itself and Patrick’s ironic unawareness, makes this a classic Patrick moment.

#15: The Owner of the White Sedan
“Band Geeks”

There is an element of amusing randomness in SpongeBob. One such example comes after Patrick hears the word ‘kicking’ during band rehearsal. After he clumsily kicks Sandy, she angrily beats him up, and they tumble outside the music hall. Patrick screams in pain as the camera shifts to the doors and then to the faces of the patient audience. After several seconds, the door opens, Patick’s head leans in, and, of all things, he utters: [“Whoever’s the owner of the white sedan, you left your lights on.”] The moment only gets funnier when Patrick reenters, his body shoved through a trombone.

#14: I Love You
“Chocolate with Nuts”

In an episode where Patrick and SpongeBob assume the roles of door-to-door chocolate bar salesmen, it’s time to pull out the sales strategies. SpongeBob advises his buddy to try flattery. In other words, a little sweet talk! Patrick takes this advice and runs with it. He knocks on the door, and when the customer opens it, Patrick tells him he loves him. The background music during this line does an exceptional job of enhancing the lighthearted moment. The customer’s response to Patrick is an aggressive slamming of the door. We can’t blame him!

#13: I Thought You Said Weast

It’s common knowledge that the main cardinal points are north, south, east, and west. But our friend Patrick isn’t so, well, common. In the episode “Arrgh!”, Mr. Krabs, SpongeBob, and Patrick go on a treasure hunt. Just when they think they’ve reached the spot, a surprised Mr. Krabs notices there’s no X. Patrick and SpongeBob appear befuddled as well. That’s when Patrick realizes his mistake, sort of. It turns out he thought Mr. Krabs said … weast? And he had led them west. Well, better than leading them weast, maybe?

#12: We Have Technology
“Wet Painters”

In this episode, SpongeBob and Patrick are tasked with painting the inside of Mr. Krabs’ house. Warned not to let the paint get on anything but the walls, the boyos find themselves in a pickle. Paint gets on money-hungry Mr. Krabs’ precious first dollar. They try several things to get it off, but struggle mightily. At one point, Patrick suggests what could hopefully be a solution. Gesturing toward a computer, he points out that they have “technology.” With the dollar bill placed on the table, Patrick proceeds to violently slam it with the computer, hoping to get rid of the paint. Hey, you were almost onto something Patrick!

#11: Firmly Grasp It

A painfully funny instance of Patrick’s obliviousness comes when he’s out jellyfishing with SpongeBob and Squidward. After suffering serious bodily injuries, Squidward looks like a mummy in a wheelchair. But Patrick is blissfully unaware of Squidward’s limitations. In an attempt to help Squidward jelly-fish, Patrick offers some advice. But, in his injured and bandaged state, Squidward can’t hold anything, firmly or not. Getting frustrated, Patrick gets annoyed and shouts out his advice, aggressively driving the net through Squidward’s hand. At least Patrick’s mistakes, painful as they can be for others, translate into laughs for us!

#10: It’s Not My Wallet
“Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy III”

Granted, it was probably a bad idea from the beginning to include Patrick in any scenario that involves teaching someone to be good, because the starfish’s ignorance has been known to irritate even the most patient of people. So you can imagine why a super-villain like Man Ray was pushed over the edge. While SpongeBob tries to show the evildoer how to be nice, he asks Patrick to take part in a little roleplaying where Man Ray tries to return his dropped wallet. Let’s just say it doesn’t go so well.

#9: Not Until Four
“I Had an Accident”

You can always count on Patrick to blurt out the most nonsensical things even in times of crisis. When a sandboarding accident causes SpongeBob to be sent plummeting towards the ground, Sandy yells out instructions on how to minimize the damage. Patrick chimes in, and what comes out of his mouth is not very helpful. We do learn, however, that he does have something of a schedule for his stupidity, as he’s got to go and be an idiot somewhere at four. Wonder how that turned out?

#8: Where’s the Leak, Ma’am?

Patrick really got the short end of the stick when SpongeBob’s crudely drawn, evil doppelganger came to life and started wreaking all kinds of havoc. Not that we particularly mind since every time he gets hurt in this episode is rather hilarious. One such example is when SpongeBob and Patrick are stuck down a hole of DoodleBob’s making. Obviously thinking that it wasn’t enough, he decides to drop a doodle wrench on Patrick’s head. From the impact, we can only guess that it’s just as heavy as a real one.

#7: Push It Somewhere Else
“Sandy, SpongeBob, and the Worm”

In the wake of a giant worm attack, the citizens of Bikini Bottom fear for their lives. While thinking up solutions, Patrick comes up with the initially rejected plan of pushing the entire city to a different location. As it turns out, while the residents seem to have faith in SpongeBob and Sandy’s ability to catch the worm, they immediately fall back on Patrick’s plan. This turns out to be a good idea with a poor execution, as by the end of the episode, Bikini Bottom winds up getting crushed under said worm. A for effort, though!

#6: Wumbo
“Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy IV”

Is Wumbo even a word? Patrick seems to think so. After accidentally shrinking Squidward with Mermaid Man’s stolen utility belt, SpongeBob seeks Patrick’s advice on how to fix the problem. His solution is turning the M insignia upside down into a W, essentially turning it from Mini to Wumbo. In fact, Patrick seems to be an expert on the subject, what with his excessive knowledge on Wumbology. As it happens, his argument falls to pieces when he too is shrunk down to minuscule size. So much for Wumbo…

#5: Finland

DoodleBob strikes again, literally, as this time he’s armed with a bowling ball. As SpongeBob and Patrick try to figure a way out of the hole after recovering from the wrench to the head, Doodle manages to literally splatter Patrick into several pins with just a single throw. We’re guessing that it must have hurt because when SpongeBob asks if he’s okay, he responds like this. Either Patrick has quite the concussion or he was hit so hard that he actually ended up in said Nordic country.

#4: Inner Machinations
“The Secret Box”

Patrick, and his antics surrounding the mysterious box that seemed to cause him an endless amount of joy, made for one of the funniest episodes of this series, mainly due to both SpongeBob and the audience’s growing desire to see what exactly he was hiding in there. Patrick doesn’t make it easy, though, even lecturing his friend that he couldn’t comprehend what’s inside, since his innermost thoughts are far too complex for your average undersea folk. This is perfectly encapsulated with the visual representation of a carton of spilled milk. Yeah, that’s Patrick alright…

#3 The Ugly Barnacle
“Something Smells”

Patrick may truly care for his friend deep down, but in terms of offering moral support, he is the last person you should go to. When SpongeBob ends up with horrendously bad breath, civilians start running away from him in order to avoid the smell, but thanks to a few off-hand remarks by Patrick, he starts to believe it’s because he’s ugly. Patrick, being the sensitive soul that he is, tries to cheer him up with a story about an ugly barnacle… except it ends up having the complete opposite effect.

#2 Is Mayonnaise an Instrument?
“Band Geeks”

With Patrick’s IQ being what it is, you can imagine that his knowledge of musical instruments is about as low as everything else. When Squidward gathers the main residents of Bikini Bottom together to form a marching band, he asks if anyone has any previous experience with any kinds of instruments. As it happens, Patrick does indeed have a back catalogue… just as long as you count mayonnaise and horse radish as actual experience. We may never actually get to see him play any condiments, but it can’t be denied he’s a natural drummer.

Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.

Twenty Four, “New Student Starfish”
Nervous Patrick Struggles to Tell His Name to the Class

Are You Squidward?, “Squidville”
Patrick Asks a Fire Hydrant If It’s Squidward

I Can’t See My Forehead, “Patty Hype”
Patrick Fumes About His Inability to See His Forehead

You Took My Only Food, “Life of Crime”
Patrick Claims He’s Gonna Starve While There’s Chocolate on His Face

#1: No, This Is Patrick
“Big Pink Loser”

Not since Leonidas’ signature war cry has a phrase been uttered with so much conviction that it resonates within the hearts of warriors everywhere. Though in this case, it’s because it’s just plain funny. Taken on board as a staff member at the Krusty Krab, Patrick tries his hand working the phone. However, as customers call in and ask if they’re indeed calling the right establishment, Patrick gives what can only be considered a legendary response. If you didn’t know his name before, you will after this.

Let us know in the comments what Patrick moment you think never gets old!
