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Jesse Perez Perez
Jesse Perez Perez

Top 10 Raven (Teen Titans) Quotes

10 1
Jesse Perez Perez
Suggested by Jesse Perez Perez

Let's just say I have some issues with my father.-Nevermore

4 0

Top 10 Raven (Teen Titans) Quotes

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Jesse Perez Perez
Suggested by Jesse Perez Perez

Where did you learn history, a cereal box?-Revolution

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Jesse Perez Perez
Suggested by Jesse Perez Perez

My powers are driven by emotion. The more you feel, the more energy you unleash.

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Jesse Perez Perez
Suggested by Jesse Perez Perez

When I use my powers, I have to put a little of my soul into whatever I'm moving. I become a part of it and it becomes a part of me. That's kind of what happened here. It wasn't just a car. It was...

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Jesse Perez Perez
Suggested by Jesse Perez Perez

I have to meditate every day to keep my powers under control! And I'm supposed to believe that you can just suddenly control yours? Trust is something you have to earn! (...) You can start by trust

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Jesse Perez Perez
Suggested by Jesse Perez Perez

You may have created me, but you were never my father.-The End III

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Jesse Perez Perez
Suggested by Jesse Perez Perez

If it wasn't for that beast, I might not be here right now. Having that thing inside doesn't make you an animal. Knowing when to let it out is what makes you a man.

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Jesse Perez Perez
Suggested by Jesse Perez Perez

"That's my room! Nobody goes into my room!" - Betrayal

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Jesse Perez Perez
Suggested by Jesse Perez Perez

A magician never reveals her secrets.-Bunny Raven...or...How to Make a Titanimal Disappear

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Jesse Perez Perez
Suggested by Jesse Perez Perez

Wow, Beast Boy's jokes are too immature even for babies.-Hide and Seek

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