Top 10 Entertaining Family Guy Fights

#10: Stewie Beats Up Brian
“Patriot Games”
While Brian and Stewie usually get on famously, they do have their falling outs from time to time. One of the most extreme examples happens when Brian places a bet on celebrity boxing with Stewie. He loses and owes Stewie 50 bucks. When Brian fails to deliver the cash, Stewie beats the absolute living daylights out of Brian! The baby uses fire, fists, firearms and more to deliver the pain. Honestly, this may not be so much a fight as a one-sided beatdown, but it’s still incredibly memorable. And to be fair, Brian does eventually get his revenge.
#9: Peter vs. Liam Neeson
“Fighting Irish”
Like a lot of intoxicated idiots, Peter thinks he can do anything― including beating up movie star Liam Neeson. When the two meet, the actor agrees to the bout. But Peter chickens out. Neeson forces him to perform degrading tasks to make up for his cowardice. After his friends find out and he gets pushed too far, Peter gains the courage to fight the actor. He actually manages to get a few good hits in. But Neeson inevitably and absolutely destroys Peter in a quick and brutal manner. We guess that’s what happens when you fight someone who’s been recognized internationally as a tough guy since he was 55 and who scraps with wolves for fun.
#8: Cafeteria Fight
“The D in Apartment 23”
After Brian makes an insensitive joke on Twitter, the rest of the Griffin family become some of the most hated people in the town. This eventually leads to Chris and Meg having more difficulties at school than usual. When a guy knocks off Chris’ hat, the middle Griffin child retaliates with a lunch tray. What follows is an intense, fast-paced fight paying tribute to the church scene from “Kingsman: The Secret Service.” Chris and Meg straight up demolish many of their classmates in a variety of gruesome ways with fantastic and fluid choreography. And to think, their extremely violent kerfuffle started just because of an off-color tweet.
#7: Stewie vs. Lois
“Lois Kills Stewie”
The animosity Stewie has towards Lois is a major running gag throughout “Family Guy,” particularly in the early seasons. While the hatred is usually one-sided, the conflict gets decidedly double-sided when the baby apparently takes out his mom. However, Lois comes back with a vengeance after Stewie takes over the world and becomes president. The mad mom bursts into the Oval Office with grenades and guns…lots of guns. Although the weapons mostly miss their targets, the action is still engaging. The two combatants keep things interesting by using everything from knives to a flamethrower. Ultimately, Peter’s intervention leads to Lois coming out on top. But their battle was all a simulation. Despite being non-canon, the fight still delivered on seasons worth of buildup.
#6: Stewie & Bertram’s Final Battle
“The Big Bang Theory”
Stewie has several intense battles with his half-brother and nemesis, Bertram. But our pick goes to their final one. After Stewie accidentally kick starts the Big Bang during a time travel accident, his rival Bertram steals the time machine. The intelligent inventor follows his rival into the past. Bertram intended to take Stewie’s ancestor, Leonardo Da Vinci, to an early grave. But our hero interferes. What follows is a chase over Renaissance Italy in prototype flying machines complete with....missiles? Let’s not question this. It’s awesome. Although Stewie warns Bertram that taking Da Vinci out will cause the universe’s destruction, the diabolical infant does it anyway. In return, Stewie finally puts an end to his brother and punctuates the moment with a terrible pun.
#5: The Griffin Family Battle Royale
“Lethal Weapons”
After learning to use her inner anger for martial arts and getting into fights, friction develops between Lois and Peter. Although their bout starts off as a verbal altercation, it soon turns physical. Then their two oldest kids take sides and begin throwing hands. It’s not long before Brian and Stewie join in the melee as well. The whole family just goes to town, demolishing their house in their desperate attempt to beat each other down. Even their shared laughter over Peter’s head getting stuck in a painting of a horse’s backside isn’t enough to stop their onslaught. Ultimately, they put the blame on TV. Maybe the family should stick to watching YouTube instead?
#4: Peter vs. Shelley Boothbishop
“Long John Peter”
After stealing a parrot, Peter naturally makes the logical choice to become a pirate. But rather than plunder the oceans, he and his sea dogs cause havoc on the land. Peter eventually sees a British man named Shelley Boothbishop sitting in their car. When the newly minted pirate tries to attack this innocent man, a hilarious car version of a pirate naval battle ensues. We see cannons, a sail, and even a swordfight. The music, Peter and his crew’s constant jolly laughter, and the general air of swashbuckling fun are all fantastic. All the random pirate elements make this one of the show’s most lighthearted and enjoyable fights.
#3: Peter vs. Donald Trump
“Trump Guy”
Ho boy. Are you looking for a “Family Guy” fight that can’t be seen as controversial or offensive? Welp, you won’t get it with this entry. After Peter starts working for Donald Trump, the cartoon president assaults Meg. This leads to an argument between the men. After Peter questions Trump’s net worth, a prolonged fight scene ensues. The two fight all over Washington D.C. We see the White House, Congress, and the Air and Space museum all turned into impromptu fight arenas. Both combatants fight dirty and there are a ton of great sight gags throughout their clash. As a hilarious button on their battle, they’re both saved from certain doom by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
#2: Peter Griffin vs. Homer Simpson
“The Simpsons Guy”
This inevitable clash between two animation icons was endlessly entertaining. Although they initially get along famously, Homer Simpson and Peter Griffin conclude their cartoon collaboration with violence. The duo throws down in an extended fight sequence that takes them all over Springfield. They encounter familiar “Simpsons” characters as well as iconic landmarks. Their fight even sees them gain nuclear superpowers and get launched into an alien spaceship! The numerous gags referencing both shows as well as the intense action throughout make it a great fight. And while Comic Book Guy may have his own opinion of the fight, it’s still worthy enough for our #2 spot.
Before we get to our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions:
The Griffins vs. An Offensive Robot, “No Meals on Wheels”
Politically Correct? No! Weirdly Awesome? Yes!
Herbert vs. Franz, “German Guy”
We’re Not Rooting For Either, But the Slow-Mo is Hilarious!
Joe vs. Peter, Quagmire, & Cleveland, “Believe It or Not, Joe’s Walking on Air”
Joe Can Really Throw Down!
Peter vs. Mr. Washee Washee, “Tiegs for Two”
“Street Fighter” Eat Your Heart Out!
#1: EVERY Chicken Fight
That’s right! All of them! We honestly couldn’t choose just one brawl between Peter and Ernie the Giant Chicken. Their fight across time and space might just be the best of all their bouts, but we felt like they’re all so great that they needed to be acknowledged at the same time. Clashes between Peter and Ernie usually start over some trivial issue before ballooning into epic confrontations that move from location to location. The grand scale of their fights definitely inspired the previous two entries on our list as well as popularizing the presence of fight scenes in the show. Full of outstanding moves, great visuals, and plenty of jokes, the Chicken Fights are the best bouts you’ll find on “Family Guy.”