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Top 10 Most Iconic Samantha Jones Quotes

Top 10 Most Iconic Samantha Jones Quotes
VOICE OVER: Rebecca Brayton WRITTEN BY: Savannah Sher
The best Samantha Jones quotes define why she was the best character on "SATC." Our countdown includes Samantha on Mr. Right, Samantha on her body, Samantha on jobs, and more!

#10: Samantha on Politics
"Politically Erect"

In season three when Carrie finds herself dating a man who’s running for political office, the girls end up talking about politics, which isn’t exactly a topic that often comes up on the show. If you’ve ever wondered whether Samantha is left or right leaning, she clears things right up when she succinctly condenses her political views into this little quip. We can’t say that we’re surprised that Ms. Jones doesn’t feel an affiliation to either one of the major American political parties and instead has strong views on parties themselves though!

#9: Samantha on Monogamy
"Change of a Dress"

Samantha isn’t exactly known for her love of commitment or long term relationships. By season four, she had found herself in a relationship with Richard Wright, who seemed to simultaneously romance her and yet be totally untrustworthy. This episode featured discussions on the concept of monogamy, with Samantha appearing frightened of diving into that level of commitment with another person. But her feelings got the best of her, showing that after all, she’s only human. Their monogamous relationship didn’t exactly work out but hey at least she tried.

#8: Samantha on Jobs
“Easy Come, Easy Go”

“Sex and the City” has never shied away from sensitive topics, especially when it came to the women’s intimate relationships. It’s in the name of the show, after all! In one episode in season three, Sam stands up for herself when the guy she’s sleeping with wants her to engage in an act that she isn’t enjoying. She claps back, making it clear how much work it entails, and while this quote is funny and memorable, it’s also a good lesson on standing up for yourself when someone wants you to do something you’re not comfortable with.

#7: Samantha on Her Best Qualities
“Pick-a-Little, Talk-a-Little”

One of the things we admire most about Samantha is how well she knows herself. She’s not willing to change for a man, and she needs any partner she has to accept her exactly how she is. When she’s dating Smith in season six, they’re obviously a much better pairing than any of her prior relationships, but she still has to put him in his place every now and then. The fact that Smith loves her and stays with her even after she clearly outlines all of her supposed flaws to him is what makes it clear that their relationship was a good one.

#6: Samantha on Second Chances
“Great Sexpectations”

In a lot of ways, Berger seemed like a great match for Carrie. They had a lot in common because of their careers and their chemistry seemed off the charts. That was of course until they got to the bedroom. When Carrie went to get her friends’ opinions after a disappointing evening together, Samantha had this sage advice to offer. No matter how crass she is, Sam always seems to have a kernel of wisdom to her statements, and this is logic that can be widely applied whether it’s to romantic relationships or not.

#5: Samantha on Her Body
"The Ick Factor"

One of Sam’s greatest qualities has to be her confidence. In season four, she decides to have a nude photoshoot done to preserve a record of her body while it’s looking fabulous- and she is totally at ease in her own skin. In the show’s final season however, Samantha decides to consider going under the knife in order to make enhancements to her figure with a breast augmentation. But despite this, she makes it clear that it’s not out of any shame or self doubt that she wants to think about getting implants.

#4: Samantha on New Experiences
“Boy, Girl, Boy, Girl...”

“Boy, Girl, Boy, Girl...” has a reputation for being one of “Sex and the City’s” most controversial episodes because of Carrie’s reaction when she finds out the man she’s dating is bisexual. Today, this storyline, and her reluctance to accept his sexuality, seem incredibly dated. But in typical Samantha fashion, she manages to say just the right thing and sum up her life ethos at the same time. While the girls are debating the pros and cons of Carrie’s decision, Sam pipes in, outlining her own sexual orientation for us.

#3: Samantha on Mr. Right
“Sex and the City”

From the very first episode of the show, Samantha’s character is well-defined. In this scene, she makes it clear that she is not the type of woman who is holding out for her Prince Charming to come and sweep her off her feet. She tells her three friends that the concept of Mr. Right is just an illusion and that if they free themselves from spending their lives seeking him out, they’ll be able to actually start living. This is a sentiment she continued to champion throughout the series, and we always respect her for it.

#2: Samantha on Sexism at Work
“Belles of the Balls”

In this episode, the women of “Sex and the City” tackle the issue of gender inequality in the workplace. Samantha wants to get a job working for hotelier Richard Wright doing his PR, but she thinks she’s being sidelined because of the fact that she’s a woman. The girls have a frank discussion about the discrimination they’ve experienced, and the reputations they incur if they (god forbid) come off as emotional at work. This entire storyline shows off Sam’s strength, but this quote in particular sums up an issue that so many women still deal with today, even two decades later.

Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.

Samantha on Soulmates, “Sex and the City 2” (2010)
This Sums up the Premise of the Whole Show

Samantha on Societal Judgment, “Cover Girl”
Friends Don't Let Friends Shame Each Other

Samantha on Good Relationships, “Hop, Skip, and a Week”
It May Be Simple, but It's Actually Pretty Good Advice

Samantha on Getting Screwed, “Sex and the City” (2008)
It May Be Pessimistic, but We Can't Say She's Wrong

Samantha on Love vs. Lust, “Anchors Away”
This Is Essentially Sam's Motto

#1: Samantha on True Love
“Luck Be an Old Lady”

This quote about love was so good that we got to see Samantha deliver it twice - in two very different situations. In season five, her anxiety over Richard cheating on her gets the best of her and she frantically races up to his room expecting to find him with another woman. Even though he’s alone, she realizes that their relationship is irrevocably broken, and utters this iconic quote for the first time. In the feature film, released in 2008, we saw how Samantha and Smith’s relationship had progressed. They didn’t have a happily ever after either, with Sam reiterating the sentiment that she had shared with Richard so many years earlier.
